

Serves a household or village in Pakistan (completion time: 6-9 months, photo/certificate provided upon completion)

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Serves a household or village in Pakistan (completion time: 6-9 months, photo/certificate provided upon completion)

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Helps provide provision of safe water for a family for entire month

Helps provide provision of safe water for a family for entire month

A monthly contribution is your Sadaqah Jariyah towards water solutions

A monthly contribution is your Sadaqah Jariyah towards water solutions

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Your donation for a small water well will truly save lives and help entire communities to break out of poverty

The UN estimates that approximately 2.2 billion people worldwide do not have easy access to clean and safe drinking water. Billions of people are compelled to drink dirty, contaminated water from rivers and streams, and often have to walk for miles each day to collect this water. Some communities manage to find clean water sources deep in the ground, but these are far from their homes and it is extremely difficult to access the water. This is particularly the case in water-scarce countries across Africa and Asia, where drought has also led to severe hunger, malnutrition and poverty. This includes Somalia and Tharparkar in Pakistan.

A new report reveals that 3,575,000 people die each year from drinking dirty and contaminated water. This statistic of over 3 million also includes almost 2 million children. In many communities where there is simply no water, families are forced to buy water from the markets. 

However, these same problems persist in the very communities where families do not have enough income to allow them to comfortably buy water. It is a vicious cycle, and families often end up spending money on water instead of on food, healthcare or education, when water should be easily available to everybody for free.

In particularly dry climates where summers are long and difficult and drought has become more common due to climate change, Muslim Charity is building solar water wells. Small solar water wells serve a small community of approximately ten households, and provides between 750 and 1000 litres of water each day. These small water wells use the power of sunlight to power a motor which extracts water from deep beneath the grounds surface.


Your donation for a small water well will provide safe and clean drinking water for 10 households. You can even sponsor a small water well and have the well built specifically in your name or in the name of a loved one. This is a beautiful act of Sadaqah Jariyah, as the water well will provide the community with clean water for years to come. With every drop of water, you will help a community to begin to thrive. Women and children will no longer need to walk for miles each day, meaning children can go to school and families can work and bring in good sources of income.

Families will no longer rely on dirty, contaminated water and instead will be drinking clean water. This will help stop the spread of disease, and truly save lives. Alongside saving lives, clean water will mean families do not have to worry about healthcare bills and medication, boosting financial stability and security for families. A continued supply of water is truly a great way for communities to break out of devastating cycles of poverty.

Your donation for a small water well will truly save lives and help entire communities to break out of poverty. Donate now.

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