When receiving donations, there are some costs that simply cannot be avoided. For example, if you donate using your credit or debit card then transaction charges are usually between 1% and 3% (for credit cards) and 0.3% to 2% (for debit cards) depending on the type of card used. Similarly, there are fees associated with Direct Debits (between 1% to 2% of the donation amount) depending on the medium used to set up the Direct Debit.
Furthermore, there are costs associated with organising fundraising events, dinners, printing fundraising brochures, material and also running and maintaining a website and online donation platforms. And in addition there are also costs associated with having an effective and efficient fundraising team to create awareness about the lifesaving and life-changing work we do as an organisation and to encourage people to donate towards some of our fantastic causes which leads to more donations so that we can create a bigger impact to the lives of the needy around the world.