

Sponsor 1 Fistula Surgery

Sponsor 1 Fistula Surgery

The Emergency Health Fund helps us to assist in medical emergencies

The Emergency Health Fund helps us to assist in medical emergencies

Help a mother during her pregnancy with essential medicines and vitamins

Help a mother during her pregnancy with essential medicines and vitamins


2 million women across Asia and Africa are living with untreated obstetric fistula. Together, we can put an end to this and help put their life back on track.

Every year, between 50,000-100,000 women are diagnosed with Obstetric Fistula and estimates suggest there are currently over two million young mothers living with the injury untreated across Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.

The injury is one of the most serious problems that can occur during childbirth and is a hole between the birth canal and bladder and/or rectum.

Caused during a prolonged or obstructed labour, it can leave mothers leaking urine and faeces as well lead to chronic medical problems. Often then becoming shunned from the community, depression, isolation and deepening poverty is common amongst women forced to live with the injury.

The injury is completely fixable, however a lack of essential healthcare in these lower-developed countries are forcing young mothers to live with this embarrassing and painful disease.


For just £500, you can provide the complete cost of Obstetric Fistula surgery and help give a young woman her dignity back and change her life forever. Despite millions of women living with the disease, only 60,280 had the surgery between 2010 and 2013.

This is a huge difference and those women who live in low-resource countries simply do not have access to the basic, yet essential, healthcare options that we take for granted.

Your donation will allow Muslim Charity to completely cover the cost of the surgery, including transportation to and from the hospital, medicine and the rehabilitation process.

We have already worked with hundreds of women across Pakistan and Somalia but there is still too many young mothers forced to live with this life-changing disease. Together, we can fix this disease and restore the confidence and dignity in these women.


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