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To transfer money directly into the Muslim Charity account use the account details given below:
Bank Name: HSBC Account Name: Muslim Charity Account Number: 41369989 Sort Code: 40-38-11 IBAN: GB68 HBUK 403811 41369989 SWIFT/BIC: HBUKGB4151E
(If you send funds to our account, please also email us with your name, address, amount transferred and purpose of transaction so that we can send a receipt to you).
To make credit/debit card donations or for further information please
Call: +44 (0) 207 100 4930
To send us a cheque or postal order make it payable to ‘Muslim Charity’ and send to the address below, please also include a note with your name, address and telephone number.
Muslim Charity, Eaton Hall
DN22 0PR (UK)
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