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Motivated by our faith, Muslim Charity seeks a world of hope, tolerance and social justice where poverty has been overcome and people live in dignity.
We serve the poor and impoverished as a demonstration of God’s unconditional love for all people regardless of race, religion or gender
To create a world of harmony where people of all backgrounds can appreciate life with good health, education and a livelihood.
Our mission is saving lives in emergencies and to help the needy by adopting practical ways to root out poverty from the world through provision of education and a livelihood. Our mission is carried out by developing health and educational infrastructures along with providing access to safe water and creating opportunities for livelihoods. We also have as our mission to provide long-term sustainable assistance to the vulnerable communities and facilitating them towards self-reliance.
In order to provide effective relief we try to understand the particular needs and demands of the people we are attempting to help.
Each person has the right to live and be treated with dignity and integrity. Muslim Charity upholds these principles of humanity while ensuring that we have integrity in all our actions.
We aim to hold ourselves accountable for our actions before we are held accountable by others and God. Consequently, at Muslim Charity we aim to carry out our tasks with honesty, care and love for humanity.
Muslim Charity expects all its staff and volunteers to respect their responsibilities and work professionally and with integrity to gain the respect and trust of those around them and the public.
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