

Sponsor one safe delivery for each day of the week

Sponsor one safe delivery for each day of the week

Your lifesaving donation will help to deliver a baby safely

Your lifesaving donation will help to deliver a baby safely

The Emergency Health Fund helps us to assist in medical emergencies

The Emergency Health Fund helps us to assist in medical emergencies

Help a mother during her pregnancy with essential medicines and vitamins

Help a mother during her pregnancy with essential medicines and vitamins


Muslim Charity works with five hospitals across Pakistan and with your help, we can safeguard child birth and infant lives.

Safeguarding the health of expectant mothers and young children from disease is one of the world’s most urgent priorities. Over 50% of the entire world’s population does not have access to essential healthcare and every year in under-developed countries millions of expectant mothers die from complications with pregnancy or in child birth, whilst millions of babies die in the first few months of their lives.

All of these deaths can be prevented. A trained healthcare professional and maternity care facilities would prevent the deaths of millions of mothers and children; costing just £150 for a safe delivery of a child. No mother should lose their child, or child lose their mother, just because they are unable to pay for essential healthcare that we take for granted.


Safeguarding the health of mothers and their children is one of our core priorities here at Muslim Charity and we have been helping thousands of women during their pregnancy and through the birthing process; bringing healthy and happy babies into this world.

We currently work with hospitals across Pakistan, Bangladesh and Somalia with your help we can continue to expand our efforts to ensure every expectant mother can enjoy a safe pregnancy.

We have helped support hospitals with medical equipment, access to laboratories and operation theatres as well as training gynaecologists and GP services 24 hours a day. A safe delivery costs just £150 so whatever you can afford to donate will help bring another baby into the world.

Your donations are saving lives with safe deliveries and medical care for expectant mothers and babies. We supported 15,000 patients across two hospitals in Pakistan in 2022.


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