Looking for the perfect place to sponsor an orphan child – Share now!
In Islam, we are taught of the importance of treating orphans well and caring for them. In the Holy Qur’an, the word ‘orphan’ is mentioned 22 times. It is considered majorly sinful to treat an orphan with disdain, while we reap rewards and blessings for caring and nurturing them. Orphans and widows are among those who can receive Zakat, and support in this way can really make the world of difference for them.
Losing one or both parents at a young age is difficult for any child, and especially so for those living in poverty. There are approximately 140 million orphans around the world, many of whom have had to stop going to school. Without a breadwinner, many poor families are unable to provide effectively for their children. This leaves many orphan children uncertain about the future, fearful and at huge risk of exploitation.
In many poor countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh and Somalia, women typically do not work and are fully reliant on their husbands. They make no decisions in the house, and especially around finances. This means when their husbands pass away or become absent, they are left in very challenging circumstances, and often unable to care for themselves and their children. When widowed mothers are not able to care or provide for their orphaned children, the children become at risk and vulnerable to abuse and exploitation. They often have no choice but to leave school and work to help provide food for their families. The jobs they do are unsafe, unhygienic and dangerous.
In some poor and vulnerable societies, orphan children are more at risk of early and child marriage. Often, this is due to elders in the family seeking to establish greater financial security. It should not be this way. All children, everywhere should be free to live a happy childhood, with education and the chance to build a stable and bright future for themselves and those around them. However, the reality is much harder and more darker for millions of orphan children living in poverty around the globe.
Sponsor an orphan child with Muslim Charity
Are you looking for the perfect place to sponsor an orphan child? Look no further!
At Muslim Charity, our one-to-one orphan sponsorship programme provides children with access to education, healthcare and a nurturing environment. Our one-to-one model gives children a sense of independence and dignity, and enables donors to see the life-changing impact their support is making to children in need.
Since 2012, we have been sponsoring 1,244 orphans in Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Lebanon, Gaza, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Nepal on a one-to-one basis. Last year alone, we have supported 282 children.
Donate today to sponsor an orphan child and help a vulnerable child thrive, not just survive.