Let us not forget Gaza


Let us not forget Gaza

Muslim Charity UK Delegation to visit Gaza, Palestine, to oversee and monitor impact of humanitarian aid

Although the disturbing images of the Gaza Crisis have disappeared from our television screens as the media hype has diminished following the eight days of strikes in Gaza, it is important not to forget the huge losses and lasting damage caused to the lives of the vulnerable communities living in Gaza, Palestine.

The eight days of continuous strikes in Gaza killed 167 people and injured over one thousand; a majority of whom were non-combatants which included young children and women. A majority of those who were killed were civilians, around 35 of which were children.




As soon as the tragedy erupted, Muslim Charity launched its “Gaza Crisis Appeal” and over the last few weeks has been delivering much needed assistance focusing on emergency aid by providing relief items and medical supplies to the badly injured victims of the Gaza Crisis. Muslim Charity relief supplies began to be delivered very soon after the crisis erupted and Muslim Charity workers and partners on the ground have been working tirelessly to bring as much aid and assistance to those in desperate need. One of the biggest issues that we witnessed was the huge deficit in medical supplies and medical aid as hospitals in Gaza were under-resourced and unable to deal with the crisis. Consequently, Muslim Charity has initiated a partnership with a hospital in Gaza and is providing much needed aid and supplies to it.

The work done on the ground is a tribute to the generous donors and supporters of Muslim Charity worldwide and within the next few days, Muslim Charity’s UK Delegation will be visiting Gaza in order to oversee and monitor the impact of the work done by Muslim Charity workers and partners on the ground. We are also now focusing our attention towards long term development by initiating projects such as the restoration of damaged buildings, homes and shelters for the people of Palestine. For a donation of £150 you can assist in restoring broken windows and damaged buildings of homes.

Please keep an eye on our website and Facebook Page for further updates as the UK delegation visits and reports back from Gaza, Palestine.

Please do not forget the innocent victims of the Gaza Crisis and continue donating so that we can turn out attentions to long-term sustainable development for the people of Gaza:

• £50 – Food Package for a Family
• £60 – Winter Warmer Pack
• £150 – Restoration of Damaged Houses

Donate online at Just Giving: http://www.justgiving.com/gaza2012
or call us on: +44 (0) 1777 702 555

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