

Share towards a Water Borehole

Share towards a Water Borehole

Share towards a Water Borehole

Share towards a Water Borehole

Helps provide provision of safe water for a family for entire month

Helps provide provision of safe water for a family for entire month

A monthly contribution is your Sadaqah Jariyah towards water solutions

A monthly contribution is your Sadaqah Jariyah towards water solutions


Safe water eliminates poverty, hunger and disease however in some areas the only solution is to create large boreholes that can hold over 100,000 litres

Access to a clean and constant supply of clean water is essential for life. Not only does it keep the human body alive and functioning, but regular hygiene staves off diseases whilst regular access to water helps crops to grow and allows farmers to grow livestock.

The use of wells and pumps are a viable solution to many areas but in vast swathes of Africa, water is so far below the earth’s surface that the only way to reach it is to create a large borehole.

This then allows communities to maximise the water supply but to build, it requires heavy machinery capable of digging into the ground as well as needing advanced hydrogeological surveys to determine the best location of the borehole.

A highly complex system, a borehole is not just about digging a deep hole it requires a large water tank that can hold around 100,000 litres, site management offices, generator room and separate water stations.


As you can imagine, to build such a vast construction requires a huge amount of time and money. These are some of the people who require access to clean water the most and with your help we can continue our work providing the neediest with the very basic requirements of human life.

We have already been able to build four boreholes across Somalia; helping to change the lives of over 300,000 people.

These constructions are not just about providing clean drinking water though, it is about transforming entire communities. With access to water, they can begin to grow crops and keep livestock for milk and meat.

With your help, we can continue to change countless lives. No matter how big or small your donation, you will be helping to provide multiple villages throughout Africa and Somalia with access to clean and safe water.


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