

Helps provide provision of safe water for a family for entire month

Helps provide provision of safe water for a family for entire month

A monthly contribution is your Sadaqah Jariyah towards water solutions

A monthly contribution is your Sadaqah Jariyah towards water solutions

Serves a small community in Pakistan (completion time 9-12 months)

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Serves a small community in Pakistan (completion time 9-12 months)

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Solar Well

Donate now to provide water. A gift that keeps giving, and an ideal Sadaqah Jariyah.

With 2.2 billion people around the world living without access to clean drinking water, water scarcity is the one of the world’s greatest challenges. Every year, 3.57million people tragically lose their lives as a result of drinking dirty, contaminated water. Out of these, almost 2 million are children. These devastating statistics demonstrate the urgent need for long-term water solutions. Not only does a lack of clean water literally take lives, but it also perpetuates poverty, leaving people without education, livelihood, hope and prospects.

Your donation for a community solar well enables us to create a water well whereby we use the power from the sun to power a motor which brings up clean water from below the earth’s surface. 

Solar water wells are good for the environment as they do not release harmful chemicals such as burning natural gas, coal or oil for electricity. They also make the most out of warm and sunny climates such as in Pakistan.

Our community solar water wells are providing communities with clean water and uplifting them. Your donations are saving lives and making real differences in the lives of thousands of people every single day. Donate now to provide water – a gift that keeps giving, and an ideal Sadaqah Jariyah.


Muslim Charity builds community solar wells in water-scarce and drought-affected communities. These larger wells provide clean and safe drinking water for a small community, serving 25-35 households. That means your donation for a community solar well will provide clean and safe drinking water to hundreds of people living in poverty.

When you provide clean water through a community solar well, you help families and communities break out of cycles of poverty. In communities where there is not an easy access to clean water, women and children often walk for miles each day on dangerous terrain, to fetch water, which itself is often contaminated. That means countless people spend large portions of their day in search of water, and denied of this valuable time for their own development and progression in life.

 Children are unable to go to school as they are needed to support with collecting water, and women too are unable to work and have less time to focus on their families and themselves. Therefore, by providing clean water, you help create more precious time for education, for working, for community, for religion and for family. In a similar vein, clean water can help boost economies and the financial situation of families and communities. While clean water helps saves lives by reducing the risk of the spread of water-borne diseases, it also means families have fewer medical bills. This means people are able to afford more nutritious food, better education, clothing and overall a higher standard of living and quality of life. Clean water can also support in farming, growing crops and raising animals, thus helping impoverished communities improve their food security and livelihood opportunities.

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