Who should give Qurbani?
‘He (Ismail) said, “O my father! Do as you are commanded. If Allah wills, you shall find me of the patient”’. (Qur’an, 37:102)
At the time of sacrifice, Ibrahim (as) blindfolded himself so he would not see his son suffering. Allah intervened and sent a ram to be sacrificed in Ismail’s (as) place, sparing his son.
Ismail (as) was spared because Ibrahim (as) proved his devotion to Allah (swt), and willingness to sacrifice the thing most beloved to him, despite the pain it would cause him. In light of this incredible sacrifice, we are asked to make a small sacrifice every year, as Prophet Ibrahim (as) was willing to sacrifice everything. Your Qurbani donation is your own sacrifice, symbolic of devotion to Allah (swt) and detachment from the material world.
Making a Qurbani donation is highly recommended according to the majority of scholars. In the Hanafi madhab, making a Qurbani donation is obligatory for every Muslim who is financially able to do so.
The majority of scholars believe that all those Muslims who are able-bodied and able to pay Zakat should also make a Qurbani donation.