Rohingya Crisis

How Muslim Charity is delivering your donations


Rohingya Crisis: How Muslim Charity is delivering your donations

At Muslim Charity we believe in accountability and transparency and giving regular feedback to our supporters is a means of us achieving that.

In light of this, we wanted to take this opportunity to update you on the situation in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, and what Muslim Charity has been doing since the recent hostilities began on 25th August 2017.


Over 600,000 people – the majority women and children – have fled violence in Myanmar’s Rakhine State. Many have recently arrived in the city of Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh, which borders Myanmar.


After walking for days, people are already sick and malnourished. Having travelled on foot through the jungle, monsoon rains and intense heat, their lives have been turned upside down. Thousands of people are now camping in the open with little or no shelter on muddy hillsides. They have no access to clean water or toilets.

Muslim Charity has launched a full-scale humanitarian response to the crisis. We’re working with the local partners in Bangladesh to maximise our impact and help children and families who need it most.


What have we done for Rohingya refugees arriving into Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, since 25th August 2017?

Since the recent influx of Rohingya refugees following the incidents of 25th August 2017 and resulting hostilities, Muslim Charity has:

• Delivered lifesaving food and non-food items to more than 6,000 people in Thangkhali Camp, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh.

• Built 100 shelters for Rohingya families in the Hakim Para makeshift camp near Thangkhali in the Union Council of Palong Khali, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh.

• Provided medical assistance to 20,000 beneficiaries through medical camps in Thangkhali Camp, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh.

Does Muslim Charity have the relevant permissions to work with refugees in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh?

Muslim Charity always ensures that any humanitarian intervention follows the due legal processes in place in the country/area of intervention. Through our partners, Muslim Charity has therefore ensured that we have the relevant permissions from the NGO Affairs Bureau prior to providing humanitarian assistance and are in constant communication with the relevant DC offices in Cox’s Bazar to keep the authorities in the loop during our interventions.


How are we ensuring the aid we provide is meaningful and effective?

Our needs-based and results-based approach ensures that we are constantly evaluating and monitoring the delivery of our emergency aid and long-term interventions. For example, after our very first distribution of food packs to Rohingya refugees coming into Cox’s Bazar in September 2017, we soon realized that incoming families had absolutely no possessions with them whatsoever and this meant that they could not cook rice or utilise contents of the food packs effectively. For this reason, we also initiated the distribution of cooking utensils and changed the contents of our food packs to provide maximum and meaningful benefit to the newly-arriving Rohingya families.


Is Muslim Charity open and transparent enough to allow donors to visit and oversee the projects on the ground?

We welcome donors, supporters and members of the public to visit our projects on the ground and for this have our “From UK with Love” initiative which annually openly invites donors to travel with us in countries of operation to witness at first hand the impact of their donations. However, anyone wishing to travel must comply with the local visa regulations/processes adopted by the relevant country and must ensure that they get the appropriate visa fulfilling the relevant requirements. Once this is done, we would be more than happy to facilitate on the ground visits so you can see the impact of your donations on those in need.

Between 6th to 10th October 2017, our #TeamMC #FromUKwithLove donors/volunteers visited the newly-arriving Rohingya Muslims in Cox’s Bazar and personally oversaw and handed over food and non-food items, helped to erect shelters for Rohingya families as well as establish a “Child-Friendly Space” to give young children many of whom are orphans an opportunity to receive non-formal education as well as a safe place to play and receive psycho-social support.

What are the current needs identified and future plans of Muslim Charity for the Rohingya in Cox’s Bazar?

Muslim Charity has identified the following key areas where further interventions are required. Based on the resources available we will do all that is in our capacity to fill as many and as much gaps that we are able to for our Rohingya brothers and sisters:

• Food distributions

• Shelter and household-items kits

• Medical camps

• Water solutions for long-term safe water access

• Sanitation (toilet and shower blocks to be established)

• Child-friendly spaces (for non-formal education and psycho-social support)

• Shelter for unaccompanied children (for their safety, protection and education)


Where exactly are we working?

The refugees are settling in different makeshift camps and each camp have multiple issues therefore Muslim charity has selected “Thangkhali Camp” in Upzila Ukhia union council Palong Khali, in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, for our further interventions. The total influx in the camp is estimated 90,000 and the numbers are increasing each day.


Make your contribution


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provides a food pack to sustain one Rohingya family for a complete month in Bangladesh.


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provides a shelter and household-items kit for one Rohingya family in Bangladesh.


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provides the cost of doctors and medicine to run one medical camp that typically caters for 1,500 to 2,000 beneficiaries


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provides the cost of establishing a Non-Formal School and Child-Friendly Space for children


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provides the cost establishing a Safe Water Solution through a mechanism of a borehole and reservoirs that can supply safe water to approximately 10,000 people each day

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