Muslim Charity ready for assistance and calls

for prayers for victims of floods across United Kingdom


Muslim Charity ready for assistance and calls for prayers for victims of floods across United Kingdom

Muslim Charity calls its supporters and donors to pray for the victims of floods and strong winds across the United Kingdom. Muslim Charity is also encouraging volunteers to help the families in flood affected areas.

Commenting on the situation that has engulfed much of Southern England, Muslim Charity’s UK Director, Maroof Pirzada, said, “It is heart-breaking to see the level of devastation and the damage to properties, small businesses, farmers and thriving communities caused by floods and strong winds. 

We are observing the situation and are in touch with local authorities and community members and representatives to provide and plan any assistance within our resources.”

Muslim Charity is in coordination with the Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and British Red Cross as well as members of local councils that have been affected. Muslim Charity has offered any support and assistance within its resources to support the relief and rehabilitation efforts.

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