Muslim Charity provides Non-Food Item kits to 1,500 persons

in Gaza through United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA)


Muslim Charity provides Non-Food Item kits to 1,500 persons in Gaza through United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA)

Thousands of kind hearted donors have trusted Muslim Charity with their donations to assist the war affected children and families in Gaza and are continuing to provide their support. In Muslim Charity we ensure that received donations are utilised by maximising the impact on families in Gaza, therefore, along with our ongoing efforts we have joined hands with UNRWA to address the needs of the people in Gaza.

We are all aware of huge damages to the infrastructure and loss of human lives, we need to coordinate efforts for rebuilding of schools, houses, hospitals and the lives of innocent people who lost their breadwinners. “It is essential to coordinate the relief and rehabilitation efforts to maximise the utilisation of funds by complimenting each others’ interventions with civil society organisations, governments and most essentially UN organisations like UNRWA”, explained Irfan Rajput, Muslim Charity’s Director of Programmes and Policy while signing the cooperation agreement. The relief and rehabilitation efforts have already began and are providing essential needs to the people in Gaza.

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