Muslim Charity mission leaves for Lebanon to strengthen

help efforts for Syrian refugees


Muslim Charity mission leaves for Lebanon to strengthen help efforts for Syrian refugees

Muslim Charity’s mission left the UK on 25th January 2014 for Lebanon to reinforce assistance for Syrian refugees in Lebanon. The Syrian refugees living in Lebanon number around 1.3 million which is expected to increase in the coming days. As per UN officials only 520,000 refugees are registered and getting the assistance while 880,000 Syrian refugees are living in miserable conditions throughout the country. The majority being in Al-Beqaa, Akkar, Tripoli, Al-Miniyeh, Al-Danniyeh and Beirut.

Muslim Charity is helping these refugees by providing food assistance and fuel for heating in this cold winter in the Ballbak refugee camp in the north east of Lebanon along with providing maternal health services in Ein-El Hilweh camp located in the south of Beirut. The Syrian refugee assistance programme will also be strengthened through providing assistance and opportunities to women by assisting a cloth and embroidery centre in Burj El-Barajneh camp in Dahieh (south of Beirut). Similarly, the assistance for primary education is being planned in El-Barajneh camp in Dahieh (south of Beirut) through providing assistance for establishing a school for Syrian children.

Leaving on the mission, Irfan Rajput, Director of Programmes, said: “Life is very difficult for refugees due to the winter, sinking temperatures will start to take its toll on people’s health and particularly pregnant women and children who are vulnerable. Many are sleeping on the cold ground with nothing but thick layers of cloth and no means for heating and this situation is causing serious health problems. The scale of this crisis is massive and ultimately it needs to be addressed by responsible persons both inside and outside the country. The refugee families are in need and require immediate help”. Adding to the statement the Director of Programmes requested for prayers and also urged communities to donate generously at these difficult times for the Syrian refugees.

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