Muslim Charity is helping survivors in Bantayan Island,

Philippines, following Typhoon Haiyan


Muslim Charity is helping survivors in Bantayan Island, Philippines, following Typhoon Haiyan

Muslim Charity has arranged a well-planned relief operation by the selection of a geographical location, namely Bantayan Island, located in the north of Cebu province. Bantayan Island is amongst the severely hit areas with damage to houses, livelihoods and the loss of many lives. As it has become evident, most of the larger organisations are concentrating on Tacloban City due to media attentions in this area but the North of Cebu, particularly the towns and islands in the northern tip, are amongst the most devastated and these areas are not getting the same media coverage as others. At least 90% damage to infrastructure, agriculture, and basic services like power, water, and communication, as well as the loss of lives and property have been observed.


The province of Cebu is amongst the severely hit areas by Typhoon Haiyan. The proposed relief distribution areas lay in the north of Cebu in Bantayan Island. The Island consists of 3 major towns namely, Santa Fe, Bantayan and Madridejos. Altogether around 74,975 families are affected in a total of 144 villages.


Muslim Charity needs your assistance to help survivors of Bantayan Island by providing 1,000 survival kits, consisting of shelter, bedding, mats, kitchen utensils and food packs consisting of rice, noodles, baby food, sugar, milk and water.

As per Muslim Charity’s Director of Programmes, “We are running against time to help the survivors because many of them require immediate relief to survive in Bantayan Island. Indeed, Typhoon Haiyan brought the worst destruction in the history of Philippines but at the same time provides us an opportunity to share kindness and love for fellow human beings which is amongst the foundations of our beautiful and peaceful faith of Islam.”

Please reveal the peaceful Islamic spirit by helping survivors through your donations to our Philippines Typhoon Emergency Appeal.

We need your support to reach the typhoon affected people, please donate generously towards the appeal.

£50 – towards a Food Pack for a family of four or five containing rice, noodles, milk, sugar, canned and meat and vegetables and edible oil.

£100 – towards a Survival Kit for a family of four containing temporary shelter, bedding, mosquito nets, kitchen utensils, clothing, soap, shampoo, tooth brush and tooth paste.

There are no words that can comfort the affected people for the loss of lives and wealth incurred. Let us pray that Allah (most high) gives strength and courage to them to move further in their life and enables us to respond to the needs.

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