Muslim Charity Fundraising Dinners with

Junaid Jamshed and Amjad Hussain


Muslim Charity Fundraising Dinners with Junaid Jamshed and Amjad Hussain

As part of Muslim Charity’s, “3 Days. 3 Cities. 1 Cause” campaign, Junaid Jamshed performed and entertained for audiences in intimate gatherings in Manchester, Birmingham and London over the weekend on 31st May, 1st June and 2nd June in order to raise awareness and funds for Muslim Charity’s women empowerment projects in Pakistan.

Alongside Junaid Jamshed, the Vice President of Muslim Charity, Na’eem Raza popular presenter from Islam Channel, told the audiences of the challenges faced by young girls and women in Pakistan. A short film detailed the common issues to be a severe lack of basic needs such as water, healthcare and education with virtually no opportunity to improve their lifestyles. Having recently visited Pakistan, Raza explained what he had witnessed first-hand, the dire circumstances of a large portion on the rural Pakistani population and the remarkable impact that Muslim Charity programmes are having at a grass-root level, in areas such as education, health and social development.

Raza, shared a very personal experience of a young orphan called Sana who he described as a bright, enthusiastic and beautiful girl who lost her father in a tragic accident and was then abandoned by her mother. Obviously moved by his brief meeting with her, Raza told the audience that with the help of the people of Manchester, together with the experience and expertise of Muslim Charity they could provide proper investment and guidance, so that orphans like Sana can go on to fulfil their dreams and potential, despite their difficult start in life.

Amjad Hussain, who was once a renowned Pakistani folk-singer and had received many international awards for his performances and now focuses on reciting and singing Hamds and Nasheeds, was also present throughout the 3-city tour and enlightened the audiences with his powerful Hamd, “Allahu Akbar”.

After the successful 3-city tour, Manchester, Birmingham and London together pledged around £180,000 in aid of Muslim Charity’s projects for women and vulnerable communities.

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