Through the School Under the Sky programme, Muslim Charity provides a meal, uniform, books, stationary, school bags, medical treatment and referral services to the shelter houses with the support of a social mobilizer. Non-formal education is also provided and psycho-social support. Muslim Charity understands the importance of a family for the child therefore efforts are always made to establish contact between children and their families to ensure routes towards re-integration are always considered. Muslim Charity also intends to assist the families in poverty while focusing on the well-being of these children.
A trained first Aid Social Mobiliser is pursuing a street child to attend the school and health check at Sadarghat Launch Terminal in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Muslim Charity counts on your support to ensure the rights of street children are preserved. Please donate towards our School Under the Sky initiative in Dhaka or to our child sponsorship projects for the well-being of street children.