MC supports

Cumbria Foundation


MC supports Cumbria Foundation

The recent floods caused by Storms Desmond and Eva that struck many parts of Northern England, Scotland and Ireland in December 2015 have been reported as the worst floods for 70 years in the region.

Soon after the floods, Muslim Charity Helping The Needy launched its “UK Floods Appeal” which was publicised to its individual donors and Mosques around the country. Muslim Charity has developed a partnership with the Cumbria Community Foundation under which a cash grant of £5,000 will be provided to support its Cumbria Floods Appeal.

The funding will go towards providing cash grants to individuals or families whose homes have incurred significant damage to property or possessions and to those who have lost work or income because of the storms. The cash grants will assist families and households in the relief and rehabilitation efforts from the damage caused by the floods.

On Friday 15th January 2016, a cheque handover ceremony was held at St John’s Church in Keswick that was attended by the Lord Bishop of Carlisle, the Rt Rev’d James Newcome, Tara Vallente of the Cumbria Community Foundation, Rev’d Michael Webb, Bakhtyar Pirzada of Muslim Charity and others.

Bakhtyar Pirzada, Vice Chairman of Muslim Charity, commented, “It has been heart-breaking to watch the images on our television screens last month and then to come here and see the devastation caused by the floods. On behalf of Muslim Charity and our associates and donors in the UK, we felt it our duty to come to the aid of flood victims in Cumbria and we urge everyone to donate, volunteer and help in any way they can as those affected begin the daunting task of rebuilding their homes.”

Tara Vallente of Cumbria Community Foundation said, “It is fantastic to hear that Mosques up and down the country have been so generous. Cumbria Community Foundation has now distributed £1 million to local people in real hardship to help them clean-up and dry out their homes. Every penny donated is very much welcomed and is greatly received by those seriously affected by the flooding. A big thank you to all who have donated so far.”


The Bishop of Carlisle, the Rt Rev’d James Newcome, said: “This donation is incredibly generous and we thank all those who have felt called to offer support to the people of Cumbria at such a difficult time.

“It’s been wonderful to see so many examples of the hands of love and friendship being offered by our multi-faith partners; from offers of practical help clearing out properties and donating furniture and goods, through to the financial assistance and donations which have been made.

“We cannot begin to thank enough everyone who has felt moved to help. I know the money raised through the Cumbria Community Foundation will be put to very good use helping those worst affected by the floods.”

Muslim Charity is also working with other volunteer groups such as Eden Flood Volunteers through which cleaning equipment, dehumidifier units and household items are being distributed to flood affected homes.

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