Makkah 2



Makkah 2 Medina

Footsteps of the Prophet (SAW) 


The Footsteps of the Prophet (SAW) will be a cycle and walking challenge over 10 days from Makkah 2 Medina.

Participants can decide to either walk or cycle a total of 500km. We will try our best to replicate the historic journey taken by our beloved Prophet (SAW) and his companions and experience the demanding heat, terrain, and thirst they faced over 1400 years ago.


The tour will be led by Rashid Ali a veteran from the recent London 2 Makkah challenge who will be on hand to guide, support and travel with both groups.

We will be taking a small group of individuals on this historic, spiritual and challenging tour. So if you are interested, in good health and fitness then please contact us asap as spaces are limited.

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