Making the invisible



Making the invisible, visible

Thousands of children are living on the chaotic streets of Dhaka, Bangladesh, at locations such as Sadarghat Launch Terminal, Komalapur Railway Station and Buses Terminal like Mohakhali. The children are without shelter, surviving on very little food and subject to all kinds of physical and mental violence.

Family breakdowns, abandonment from relatives, poverty, physical and emotional violence at home and school, mental health problems, drugs abuse and kidnappings by organised criminals (Mastans) are among the leading causes for these children who end up on the streets.

In Dhaka, Muslim Charity along with its partners is bringing these children to a safe environment by providing repatriation to their families or temporary and permanent shelters.

Muslim Charity in partnership with its local partner LEEDO have established the SETU Transitional Shelter (“Setu” is a Bangla word meaning “Bridge”). The shelter is located in Sadarghat, Dhaka, Bangladesh. It is providing children with food, a sleeping place, health and educational services along with searching appropriate families for reintegration and shifting the children to permanent shelters.


Nazima, 12, found near Sadarghat was brought back to her mother thanks to SETU. She ran away after facing severe violence at home. Her mother being mentored and educated on the situation was overwhelmed with joy and promised to take care of her in the future.

Hamid, 10, rescued from the street is being enrolled to the permanent shelter managed by Dhaka Ahsania Mission. Hamid was unable to give any information about himself and his parents, therefore, he was brought to a permanent shelter so that his welfare, educational and health needs can be appropriately fulfilled.


During the year 2014, with your support, Muslim Charity has helped to provide homes and a safe environment for hundreds of children who were previously spending their days and nights on the streets. Please continue your support to help little souls in providing protection and love in Bangladesh.

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