Lives Changed, Communities Transformed

in Naushahro Feroze, Sindh, Pakistan


Lives Changed, Communities Transformed in Naushahro Feroze, Sindh, Pakistan

Muslim Charity frequently revisits projects implemented in the past at scheduled times to ensure that they are performing well and making a real difference to lives of the communities we serve.


Earlier today, our Programmes Team visited Naushahro Feroze District in Sindh, Pakistan, to review and assess the impact of the following projects:

– Government Primary School Gul Solangi: This school building and facilities were completed in 2016 and were funded by generous donors of Muslim Charity. Since then the numbers of students has increased to 240. Prior to the intervention students were forced to sit on the floor under the blazing sun due to a lack of facilities.

– Masjid Mohammed (SAW) was built in 2017 funded by a generous donor of Muslim Charity. The Mosque fulfils the religious, spiritual and educational needs for children and 1,100 people who live in the village of Naushahro Feroze District in which it is located.

– Over the years of 2016 and 2017, Muslim Charity funded 5 incubators, one ultra-sound machine and an ambulance to the Gambat Institute of Medical Science (GIMS) located in Gambat, Khairpur District, Sindh. Hundreds of poor patients and infants are benefitting in Tehsil Gambat and the surrounding areas by receiving free medical assistance as a result.


All the above is only possible thanks to the generous donors and supporters of Muslim Charity.

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