Innovative project of

Solar Water Well


Innovative project of Solar Water Well

Muslim Charity has been providing safe water projects in the form of Water Hand Pumps, Water Wells, Water Boreholes and Water Tankers in various countries around the world under its Safe Water Programme for several years.

This year – with the generous support received from Asian Sound Radio and other donors – Muslim Charity has funded an innovative new water supply in the desert land of Thar, Sindh, Pakistan. Children and women in the remote village of Ilyas Dars (located in Tardos Tehsil Chachro, District Tharparkar) used to typically spend 5 to 7 hours daily going out to collect clean water from dug wells, many of which were unprotected and contained contaminated.

The new Solar Water Well was funded by Muslim Charity and implemented by our partner organisation AWARE and has the capacity of extracting 19,000 liters of clean and safe water per day from a depth of 300 feet. The best thing about it is that the well is environmentally friendly and women and children no longer have to walk several miles and pull out heavy buckets/cans of water using their hands and long ropes and sometimes even camels due to the depth of the water and strength needed to extract it. All this also means that children can spend their times more productively in schools and studying for a better and brighter future.

Muslim Charity has adopted a holistic approach in the implementation of this Solar Water Well by building it next to a newly-constructed Primary School so that children of the Ilyas Dars village as well as surrounding villages can spend time getting a good quality education rather than walking several hours to collect water.

An inauguration ceremony was held for the Solar Water Well which was attended by the local District Education Officer (DEO) Mr Aijaz Babar who commented on how the Solar Water Well will be a source of improving helath, hygiene, income-earning capacity and overall well-being of villagers especially women and children.

A local villager, Saeedullah, shared his emotions by saying, “we never dreamed of such a facility and it is a miracle for us” and also mentioned how children can now spend their days studying rather than wasting time in the pursuit of safe water.

The cost of a complete Solar Water Well is £10,000 and you can fund it on behalf of your family or friends. Muslim Charity provides full feedback reports including photos and location/beneficiary details as part of our Safe Water Programme.

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