Episode 1 – LIVE from GAZA (7th Aug 2014)


GAZA DIARY: Episode 1 – LIVE from GAZA (7th Aug 2014)

At Muslim Charity, we believe in transparency and accountability. It is important for us to show donors and supporters like you how your donations are being utilised in the Gaza Crisis, which has left over 1,870 Palestinians dead and 9,500+ injured.

For this reason, we have launched the GAZA DIARY series which will feature regularly updated video episodes of 2-3 minutes duration covering the current situation and update on what Muslim Charity is doing on the ground in Gaza from our representatives in Gaza.

This is the first episode dated 7th August 2014 and can be watched by clicking the above image and we hope many more will follow to show how our UK donors are making an impact to the lives of the needy in Palestine right now.

Please continue your donations and help share the Gaza Crisis Appeal with friends and family.

The online YouTube link for the above video is as follows:

You can watch all future episodes of the Gaza Diary on our YouTube channel:

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