Fully-equipped ambulance handed over to District Government Hospital Jhang by Muslim Charity
On 25th November 2013, a ceremony was held at the Muslim Charity Gyne Hospital Jhang, Pakistan, which was attended by leading dignitaries and professionals for the handing over of an ambulance funded by Muslim Charity’s UK donors to the District Government Hospital, Jhang, Pakistan.
Ambulances provide a vital role in the saving of lives in the district hospitals of Pakistan and are a gateway for the needy patients of rural villages, which lack basic medical facilities, to the hospitals.
The President of Muslim Charity Pakistan, whilst commenting at the occasion, stated that Muslim Charity aims to provide comfort to the discomforted, hope to the despaired and help to the needy. Whilst expressing his joy on the occasion, he commented that it was with this aim that Muslim Charity established five hospitals in Pakistan and it is with the same aim that the ambulance was being provided to the District Government Hospital, Jhang.