
Celebrating 15 years of honouring mothers and children around the world


Muslim Charity’s first supported maternity hospital was established in 2005 in Jhang, a poor and rural district of Pakistan.

Since then we have gone from strength to strength and are supporting a network of hospitals and clinics around the world. In the past 6 years alone, we have provided 93 incubators and 23 ambulances in countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Yemen, Lebanon, Somalia and Kenya. In the last 12 months alone, these incubators have saved 4,243 lives of newborns and 20,988 patients benefited from the ambulances.

Our Honouring Our Mothers campaign aims to raise awareness and funds to help save the lives of mothers and children in areas of the world where medical facilities are lacking. Through this campaign, we support hospitals and clinics with the provision of life-saving equipment and also support rural communities by providing midwifery training for skilled birth attendants and nurses.


We believe the deaths of millions of mothers and their babies during childbirth can be prevented if only pregnant women have access to skilled health workers and maternal care facilities.


Recently in 2017, we honoured the promise we made to our donors by handing over 30 neo- natal infant incubators and two fully-equipped ambulances to 20 hospitals across Pakistan. 

Next month in June 2019, we shall be doing the same by providing 32 neo-natal infant incubators to hospitals where they are in dire need throughout Pakistan. We also have plans to provide neo-natal incubators to hospitals in Somalia so that premature children can have a chance of survival in the difficult circumstances they find themselves in.


Please keep supporting mothers and children so that we can bring back dignity by honouring our mothers.



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