A historic moment as UK

reaches 0.7% aid target


A historic moment as UK reaches 0.7% aid target

The UK made history today when the Chancellor announced in the Budget that the UK will meet its aid commitment in 2013. The Chancellor, George Osborne, confirmed in his budget speech earlier today that Britain will be meeting its target to spend 0.7% of gross national income on aid and declared it a “historic moment”.

By doing this, the UK will become the first member of the G8 and G20 group of influential countries to meet the long-standing UN target. The UK will join a select group of countries – Denmark, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden – who have met or exceeded the 0.7% target set in the 1970s.

Muslim Charity has welcomed this news as it shows that the UK has lived up to the promise made to the world’s poorest and marginalised people over 40 years ago. This effectively means – amongst other things –more kids in school, more trained nurses, more clean water, more smiles and more blossoming futures for the world’s poor.

Commenting on the announcement in today’s Budget, Maroof Pirzada (UK Director) expressed, “This is certainly a landmark achievement and something we can be proud of as UK citizens. Achieving the 0.7% target is a testament to the hard work and determination of numerous NGOs, umbrella organisations and campaigners who have, for several years, campaigned for the Government to achieve this target. We are pleased to announce that, on the eve of this announcement, Muslim Charity has signed up to the Enough Food For Everyone IF campaign and will be joining over 150 other British NGOs to put forward a collective voice for the world’s marginalised and poor.”

He further added, “Although the 0.7% target has been announced to have been met, the challenge is now to ensure that the figure is maintained and campaigning continues as there is still much to do, not least meeting the Millennium Development Goals by 2015.”

The announcement today shows that together we can make a real difference to the world’s poorest in line with Muslim Charity’s vision of creating a world of harmony where people of all backgrounds can appreciate life with good health, education and a livelihood.

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