From UK
with Love

Travel with us overseas to personally witness the impact of your donations
One aspect of Muslim Charity that we feel most strongly about is our openness and transparency. We encourage our supporters not just to donate towards our campaigns but to hold us to account by following up donations and asking us how and where the donations have impacted the lives of the needy.

We also go one step further through our ‘From UK with Love’ initiative which are trips organised annually to take donors, supporters and any interested member of the public with us to countries that we work in.

Through these structured one-week trips, we give participants an opportunity to experience the lives of refugees, street children, those living in rural and urban communities and includes visits to Muslim Charity supported medical facilities, income generation initiatives, schools and innovative infrastructure for access to clean and safe water.

From UK With Love
Our one-week trips normally take place annually to Pakistan in March/April each year and to Bangladesh in October/November each year. However, due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and travel restrictions these are currently on hold.

If you are interested to see the impact of your donations, please call us on 03000 111 786 or 0207 100 4930 or alternatively email us via [email protected] and we will give you all the details!

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