

Adopt a School

Adopt a School

Half Share Towards a School

Half Share Towards a School

Zakat Eligible – Supports Cataract Surgeries of 10 patients

Zakat Eligible – Supports Cataract Surgeries of 10 patients

Your lifesaving donation will help to deliver a baby safely

Your lifesaving donation will help to deliver a baby safely

Serves one Zakat-applicable family or a communal location in Pakistan or Bangladesh (completion time: 6-9 months, photo/certificate provided upon completion)

Serves one Zakat-applicable family or a communal location in Pakistan or Bangladesh (completion time: 6-9 months, photo/certificate provided upon completion)

Protect 4 Brothel Children

Protect 4 Brothel Children

Provides 120 Meals

Provides 120 Meals

Help rescue a street child from the streets

Help rescue a street child from the streets









Salaam, I’m Samia. if you’re on this page, you likely listened to my podcast, The Diverse Bookshelf. I’m so glad you’re here, and I’m so glad to be partnering with Muslim Charity.

As a Muslim, I take the concept of charity, and my own giving, very seriously, and having worked in the charity sector for over 10 years, I have seen first-hand, some of the amazing ways our charity can change the lives of the most vulnerable around the world. I have full faith in the integrity, commitment and transparency that Muslim Charity works with, and know that their projects are uplifting some of the poorest communities worldwide.

On this page, you’ll find a selection of some projects that are particularly close to my heart, and I believe have the power to save lives, and build a brighter future for those currently living in poverty and unimaginable hardship. The projects I’ve chosen are across a range of issues including water scarcity, maternal health, education, child welfare and healthcare.


The projects you find on this page have been selected by me, as ones I really believe in and care about. All of these projects are centred on creating long-lasting change, saving lives, and helping people to build a stable, happier and more secure future.

Muslim Charity works around the world, reaching some of the most impoverished and under-served communities and groups of people. One of those groups is children from brothels, and those living on the streets.

Muslim Charity works to protect these children, putting in place systems of safety and support, or where possible, placing them in the safe and loving care of approved foster families. All children deserve to live a safe, happy and fulfilled childhood.

One of the other projects I’ve selected is support for safe deliveries of a newborn baby. Around the world, every 2 minutes, a woman dies during pregnancy or labour, and every minute, 3 babies die.

There are a plethora of causes, including lack of sanitation, poor hospitals and equipment, poor practices at home, hunger, poverty, malnutrition and poor transport links, preventing women from reaching the hospital in time.

I want to help give mothers and babies a fighting chance, no matter their circumstances, and you can help by donating towards ensuring a safe delivery of a newborn baby.

I really believe that education is a huge part of any child’s life, and that it opens the doors to a world of possibilities. Education can really help improve the opportunities and financial situations children later find in life, eventually helping to break cycles of poverty.

That’s why I invite you to provide school meals to children to enhance their learning and keep more children in school, or to adopt a school so more children have access to a quality education.


Feed A Child

Feed A Child

155 million children around the world go hungry every single day, and thousands tragically lose their lives du...

Sadaqah Jariyah

Sadaqah Jariyah

Sadaqah Jariyah is a unique, long-term charity that brings ongoing, continuous reward to those who donate it. ...

Winter Emergency

Winter Emergency

Around the world, winter leaves vulnerable communities even more vulnerable, often struggling to stay alive. W...

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